TEH Camp Meeting 90
Open Up: Performing Culture in Contested Places As the world is still in semi-lockdown
Open Up: Performing Culture in Contested Places
As the world is still in semi-lockdown, we have decided to change the format of the meeting and its date. The new edition of TEH Camp Meeting 90 will happen online on 10-11 December. Yet, there will be talks, workshops and art performances live-streamed directly from Nicosia by NiMAC.
The theme of the meeting is “Open Up: Performing Culture in Contested Places”. During these two days, we will explore how, in this era of isolation and lockdowns, of divisions and partitions, of segregation and exclusion, culture could play an active role in opening up new forms of community relations waiting to emerge.
We have divided the programme into two days. The first one is curated by NiMAC and will focus on the local context and mostly be streamed from their studio in Nicosia. While the second day is for TEH members only and tackles the issues relevant for the network. Please, keep in mind that time in the programme is CET.
DAY#1: Thursday, 10 December 2020
Follow the event LIVE on Youtube!
Wake-Up Block
09:00-09:10: Welcome by NiMAC team
09:10-10:40: Workshop: “IntuNition”
10:40-10:50: Secret coffee recipe
A Way Forward
11:00-11:15: Interview with the Mayor of Nicosia
11:15-12:15: Round Table Discussion: “A Way Forward” Watch here!
12:15-12:30: Documentary film screening
12:30-13:30: Keynote by Bogomir Doringer
Lunch break
Art to Open Up
14:30-15:00: Screenings from Buffer Fringe Festival / PASHIAS performance
> 13 December, Sunday: 17.00-18.00 UCT: Border Kitchen
15:00-16:30: Chill time – performance screenings
15:00-18:30: Workshop: “An-Othering”
18:15-19:00: Workshop: “An-Othering” (sharing the results)
19:00-20:00: Chill time – performance screenings
18:45-19:30: Artistic performance
DAY#2: Friday, 11 December 2020
To join any of the programme items, click on the session links below!
Kick-In Block
09:15-09:30: Opening by Irena Boljunčić Gracin, President of Trans Europe Halles, and Mieke Renders, Managing Director of the network
09:30-11:30: Discussion: Future of the Network (FON) – For TEH members only!
Lunch Break
13:30-13:45: Shared Recovery Programme: Plenary
- “Diversify or Die”…in Arts and Culture too!
- Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities project
- Shared Recovery Programme (Closed session for SRP participants ONLY!)
- “Smooth Live-Streaming: how to turn your online events into exciting experiences”
TEH Business
15:30-17:30: General Assembly
17:30-18:30: Surprise session
Registration for the afternoon workshops for DAY2 is CLOSED now.
About NiMAC
NiMAC [Nicosia Municipal Artes Centre, Associante with the Pierides Foundation] is housed in the renovated building of the Old Powerhouse, located in the historical centre of Nicosia. NiMAC was inaugurated on 14 January 1994 and it is the oldest and largest Contemporary Art Centre of the island. Its architectural restoration and conversion into a beautiful art and cultural space was awarded the Europa Nostra Award in 1994. During its twenty plus years of its operation, the Nicosia Artes Centre has organized and presented more than eighty exhibitions of modern and contemporary art with the participation of well-known artists from Cyprus and abroad. Many of these were organized in collaboration with museums, art centres and cultural institutions of Europe and other countries.

For any questions, please contact Ella or Olga at events@teh.net.