TEH Conference 99 in Sofia

This upcoming summer we are meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, for the 99th time! We will be hosted by our member centre Toplocentrala - a central space for contemporary arts and a vital landmark in Sofia’s independent cultural scene.

The theme of this year's conference is BeHOME, Residencies on focus.

Regular tickets are out!

Early Birds are sold out! We are opening now regular ticket sale for members and non-members!

Secure your ticket now!

Get yours here

Why BeHOME, Residencies on focus ?

The world is becoming increasingly complex. It feels like the planet is spinning faster than ever. A decade ago, thinking one thought at a time was enough; now juggling three thoughts at once feels normal. In our childhood, focusing on a single screen was more than sufficient. Now, we can follow three screens while answering a call, eating, drinking, and talking to others. The sheer volume of information we process daily today would have overwhelmed someone completely just a few decades ago.

Yet, despite having numerous environments, well-furnished homes, endless choices, cozy cars, and countless friends on social networks, we often feel a sense of homelessness. Who are we when everything around us begins to crumble? What do we do when it seems like everything is in decline? Honey is at risk. Bees are endangered. Even beehives are in jeopardy.

And so are art, artists, and art centers. Or are we simply dreaming up an imaginary danger? In this increasingly robotic world, what is the true purpose of art? What is the mission of artists? And what is the vital role of art centers in preserving our humanity?

Residencies are a great proven tool for fostering connection and creative exchange across Europe and beyond.

Gathering together cultural practitioners–who are already working with art residencies– is our active step in creating and shaping funding schemes for those programs in countries where they are missing. This would be a valuable and practical result of our gathering in Sofia.

Sub-themes for BeHome

From eco-friendly practices to community-driven projects, we’ll explore how art can inspire care for our planet and its people. What role do art residencies play in building sustainable future where we live, invent and create on site.

Exploring the creative potential of older generations. This discussion focuses on engaging older artists and audiences, looking for sharing their unique experience as a source of inspiration.

How can art residencies become inclusive spaces that empower underrepresented voices? This subtopic delves into strategies for integrating minority groups into the creative process, fostering diversity, and building equitable opportunities for all. Together, we’ll explore how “home” can be redefined as a shared, welcoming space for collaboration and growth.

We are calling out for contributions!

Do you want to contribute to TEH99’s programme?
It's easy! Just fill out the form to propose workshops, discussions, hands-on activities or any wild ideas.

*DISCLAIMER: The call is only for TEH Full and Associate members.

Fill out the form

General Information

The ticket fee provides meals, coffee breaks, full access to the venue, and a conference gift.

  • Early-bird fees for TEH Members only, 130€ - SOLD OUT
  • Regular fees for TEH Members, 160€
  • Regular fees for non members, 190€

*If you are a Bulgarian resident write to info@toplocentrala.bg

We will draft an accurate guide for you in the next months!

Like in past years, we’re using Swapcard as the virtual space for the conference.

For now the page isn’t live yet but if you’ve used it before, you’ll just log in and access this year’s event and don't worry, your past connections will be there!

If it’s new to you, no stress! We’ll share a detailed guide soon to help you get started

If you have a question or need an invitation letter from us, please reach out at events@teh.net.

About the Host

Toplocentrala is a shared vision brought to life by independent artists and Sofia Municipality. Born in 2014, the project seeks to reimagine the former heat plant of the National Palace of Culture, a structure from 1981, as a vibrant Centre for Contemporary Arts—a space that embodies the spirit of a modern, inclusive, and dynamic European cultural hub.