Train the Trainer
A training program for cultural workers to develop new ways to influence their working culture towards a fair and rewarding relationship of mutual growth.
A training program for cultural workers to develop new ways to influence their working culture towards a fair and rewarding relationship of mutual growth.
The penguin project offers a personal leadership and organisational change design training program ‘Train the Trainer’ that is built around this question. The program is free and brings together a group of 10 cultural workers from all over Europe for a 10 month learning journey. During the program you will develop a deeper understanding of what charges and what drains you and others at work. And, building on that, you will learn how to harmonise personal leadership and organisational design for a more sustainable working environment.
The objective of the “Train the Trainer” program is to disseminate the penguin methods and tools to enable formal and informal peer-to-peer learning in the independent cultural sector.
During the program this group of penguin trainees will learn about the theoretical underpinnings and the creative methods of the penguin project. Most importantly they will apply the penguin tools in practice and learn how to make their own and their centres working culture more sustainable. By the end of the program trainers will be able to facilitate their own workshops.
The penguin project is an initiative from cultural workers for cultural workers. Its purpose is to support cultural workers in creating sustainable working environments for both the individual and the organisation. Our guiding question is “How can we help cultural workers to keep their spark alive?” The project started in 2019 and is now ready to disseminate its method and tools. Read more about it here.
The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Penguin Project is implemented thanks to support from the Erasmus+.