Online EastHub Meeting

Trans Europe Halles’ EastHub announces the next online meeting to take place on 23 September,…
Published on Sept. 16, 2020

Trans Europe Halles’ EastHub announces the next online meeting to take place on 23 September, 16:00 CET.

About the Hub

TEH EastHub is a subnetwork of cultural centres and organisations coming from the Central and Eastern European region. The first online meeting will follow up the previous meeting that had been cancelled due to the pandemic. It’s aim is to keep in touch with all the members; to learn from other’s experience on surviving during the virus spread; to discuss further steps to build communication and collaboration together; to choose hub’s next working themes and to explore possible funding options.


23 September, 2020. 16:00 CET


We will send everyone a zoom link.


If you are a member of the hub or would like to become one, please, register for the event here