E-Course: Healthy Design Matetials

What is this E-Course about?

This e-course covers the importance of using healthy, non-toxic, and eco-friendly building materials that enhance indoor environmental quality and promote the well-being of occupants.

Who is the lecturer?

Irene Ràfols Ribas

Irene is an architect from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) with a Master’s in Integrated Engineering and Production by Computer (UPC). Currently, she is the Head of the Product Development Department at Eurecat. She has 15 years of experience in R&D projects, having participated in European and Spanish research projects.

Her experience focuses on the development of new products for various sectors from concept to industrialization. Her knowledge of materials is mainly based on polymeric materials, composite materials, and high-performance concretes.

Irene Rafols

Key takeaways

  • Understand the benefits of using healthy materials in construction.
  • Learn about the impact of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and IAQ (indoor air quality) on health.
  • Gain practical knowledge on identifying and selecting sustainable materials using specialized databases.
  • Discover how to apply evaluation criteria to ensure healthier construction choices.

Ready to dive in?

After the successful completion of the e-course, you will be able to download a certificate and share it with your professional network through your social media channels.


E-course background

The course has been implemented as part of #RTL or Rebuilding to Last initiative, one of the biggest for Trans Europe Halles. Rebuilding to Last strives to inspire independent cultural centres to revisit their relationship with nature, with their communities and spaces within their walls, in their courtyards and beyond.


We have more e-courses to follow!

Within #RTL initiative, we have more than 10 other courses to offer, in the categories: material circularity, design elements for space energy efficiency, sustainabale and regenerative co-existences.


List of courses