Europe Grand Central

About Europe Grand Central Europe Grand Central is a ground-breaking cooperation effort

Legacy of Europe Grand Central: Global Grand Central

About Europe Grand Central

Europe Grand Central is a ground-breaking cooperation effort that combines grass-roots projects by independent culture organizations across Europe and beyond through a unique digital and conceptual platform to connect audience-created narratives about the human act of crossing borders.

Partners of the project, all solid culture operators and networks, work on vastly varied topics such as rising xenophobia towards refugees in Sweden, personal consequences of mounting economic crisis in Greece, disconnected suburbs and city-dwellers in Bologna and Bremen, political tension towards the eastern borderlands of Poland, and skewed notions of the Arab world in Europe. The methods for audience inclusion to challenge sentiments of “us” and “them” vary across interactive theatre and photography, craft, design, workshops, street art, and artistic residencies.

Europe Grand Central is the space for learning across contexts and to develop methods to meet our audiences where they are. Central to the project is the Bordr digital tool for connection of border stories that will be used in and across all projects. The partners will also co-design our action-sharing database hosted by Trans Europe Halles, which serve as our communication, dissemination, and legacy partner.

At the heart of everything we do, we share a desire to understand and share the connections of human experiences and to mobilize these stories into action that changes lives. We work to produce an inclusive statement of diversity with potential to start a global movement of connected human values.

More information:

Europe Grand Central Residencies

Within the framework of the project Europe Grand Central, two of our partners launched Residency Programmes on the topic of “borders”:

European Foundation for Urban Culture and the Workshops of Culture (Lublin, Poland) offered 8 residences of a 2-4 weeks duration for artists, social animators, cultural managers, curators and researchers from EU and Eastern Partnership countries. Check the results of the call.

Roberto Cimetta Fund is inviting Arab artists to submit proposals to six thematic art residencies to be hosted in independent art spaces in Italy, Greece, Malta, Poland and Sweden. Check the Results of the Call.


Project leader: Not Quite, Fengersfors, Sweden.
Communication, dissemination, and long-term development: Trans Europe Halles, Lund, Sweden.
Local project organizer: Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Bremen, Germany.
Local project organizer: Laminarie / DOM La Cupola del Pilastro, Bologna, Italy.
Local project organizer: Vyrsodepseio / ODC Ensemble, Athens, Greece.
Workshops across EUs eastern borders: European Foundation for Urban Culture, Lublin, Poland.
Mobility partner across EUs southern borders: Roberto Cimetta Fund, Paris, France.

Collaborators of the project: Bordr, Workshops of Culture and Valetta European Capital of Culture 2018.